4 C
vasárnap, február 23, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaCoronavirus test negative for employee of the Municipal Tax Office in Pécs

Coronavirus test negative for employee of the Municipal Tax Office in Pécs

As it was widely reported, on Thursday, April 23rd, a rapid coronavirus test performed on the spouse of an employee of the Municipal Tax Office gave a positive result. Out colleague and her husband were then, and are now symptom-free, the test was made bcause the new employer of the husband deemed it necessary.
On Friday, a more reliable clinical (PCR) test was performed on our colleague. This test turned out negative, indicating that a coronavirus infection was not present.
The entire building of the Municipal Tax Office at Endresz György street was disinfected on Saturday. The Municipal Tax Office remains closed for the week. On Monday morning at 8AM, testing for 56 employees of the municipality local authorities who had been in contact with our colleague has started. We expect the test results to arrive on Thursday at latest, after which the results will be released to the public.
Municipality of Pécs


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