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vasárnap, február 23, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaDaily news: summary of Friday

Daily news: summary of Friday

Coronavirus news on the 20th of March.

– At Friday morning, the coronavirus webpage maintained by the Hungarian Government has been refreshed. New cases were registered, therefore now the number of the infections are 85. Among the new cases there is an iranian citizen as well.

– Rovitex textil producer company and the University of Pécs has started to produce tens of thousands face masks. These masks will be available at the pharmacys in Pécs. Even the mentioned masks are not providing total protecion from the virus, but signifacantly reduce the spreading of the epidemic.

– According to the Johns Hopkins University’s latest data, the number of infections worldwide is increased to 244523 cases, until Friday morning. The number of deaths is 10030, while the number of cured people is 86026. According to the University of Baltimore, the virus is present at 160 countries of the world.

– 2 elder hungarian citizen has passed away regarding the coronavirus. The patients were 79 and 68 years old, and both male, said by the Governmental coronavirus webpage.

– According to the primeminister, the mass illnes is imminent at Hungary. This can not be avoided, but can be slowed, so the health care system will not collapse.



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