4 C
vasárnap, február 23, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaHelyi hírekMandatory mask wearing in the public places of Pécs

Mandatory mask wearing in the public places of Pécs

From today, the mask wearing is mandatory in the public places of Pécs, with the exception of three parks and the areas of Mecsek.

A government decree published on 10th of November, gave the mayors of settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants the right to decide on the use of masks in public places.

As the Mayor of Pécs I make it mandatory in a decree, that from 11th of November, it is mandatory to wear a mask that covers the mouth and the nose in every public places of Pécs.

The public parks of Pécs which are exceptions to the regulation:

Béke Park
The Emlékpark of Szabolcs
Leisure park of Tüskésrét
Furthermore the places that are located further north of Dömörkapu road – Ángyán János road – Bárány road – Erdész road are also exceptions. These places can be seen in a map as well, for easier orientation.

In the three parks and in the areas located further north of the roads mentioned above, in the Mecsek and Malomvölgyi Park Forests, and in Égervölgy, that are not affected by the decree, I recommend to the citizens of Pécs to have a mask with them and start wearing it if they can’t keep the safety distance from others.

It is important to tell, that this decree is valid for such public places as the parking lots of shopping centers.

In order to adhere the previous decree of the Government, it is still mandatory to wear mask on the public transport vehicles, in the bus stops and in the shops.

According to the previous decrees of the Municipality of Pécs, it is still mandatory to wear the mask in the Market Square, the Market Hall and in all the markets of Pécs.

According to the opening hours – if there is- the dog runners can be visited, but the mask wearnig is mandatory as well.

As the Government decided, the decree applies to all adults and all children over the age of 6.

Based on the Government decree, it is not mandatory to wear a mask for those, who are making sport activites in the public places. From the citizens who are practicing sports in public places, I ask to pay close attention to the maintain of the safety distance.

I ask every citizen, to watch out for themselves and for each other. Together, with responsible behaviour we can make the spread of the virus slower.

Attila Péterffy

Mayor of Pécs



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