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vasárnap, február 23, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaHelyi hírekMayor of Pécs takes measures in order to slow down the spread...

Mayor of Pécs takes measures in order to slow down the spread of coronavirus

Read the unchanged announcement hereinafter.

Creation of a Charity Fund

We do our best to make it possible for the most vulnerable group, the elderly people of Pécs to stay at home. We have introuduced a service for the elderly (PAPI), ensuring the delivery of food, medicine and postal packages to the homes of the elderly living alone. This is a serious task for our social institutions, while we must ensure that municipal companies still provide the basic services uninterrupted even during the epidemic. What awaits our municipal healthcare system is unforeseeable.

Several citizens and companies in the city have addressed us explaining that they would like to support our efforts, by aiding PAPI or purchasing defensive gear and disinfectants for municipal institutions and companies. Some companies already made promises for exact amounts of donations. In order for these donations to arrive in an organized manner, we have established a coronavirus charity fund. If, even during these economically difficult times, you have the means, please donate to our efforts in combating the coronavirus by transferring any amount to the following account number:


If you choose to donate, please add to the notice of the transaction the point of your transaction (PAPI service, defensive gear, disinfectant, other) The account number listed above is active starting 12PM, Tuesday, March 24th.

Online city info

The municipality of Pécs, its companies, institutions and myself as mayor have taken numerous measures in the past weeks to slow down the spread of the new coronavirus. These measures require an extraordinary amount of work, preparations and carefully considered decisions. With these in mind, there are still many questions arising every day in the minds of citizens regarding the circumstances and our decisions. We promised a new, open culture of city leadership, and we intend to keep this promise – I will do my best to answer the questions directly with the help of my colleagues.

Since one of our main priorities is to minimize personal contacts, in light of the current situation I will be addressing the citizens of Pécs via online channels. The questions will be received and handled anonymously and can be sent in by chat through my Facebook-page (https://www.facebook.com/peterffyattilapecs/) or by e-mail ([email protected]) until 10AM Wednesday, March 25th.

I plan to answer the questions starting 2PM on Wednesday, March 25th in a Facebook live video format.

Attila Péterffy

Mayor, Municipality of Pécs



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