6 C
vasárnap, február 23, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaHelyi hírekParking, waste collection – what comes next in Pécs

Parking, waste collection – what comes next in Pécs

The Municipality of Pécs issued three statements, information from Tüke Busz Zrt., Dél-Kom Nonprofit Kft. and Biokom NKft. follows.

Tüke Busz Zrt. – extra bus to the site of Honsa, disinfectant cleaning

As it is already known, several measures have been taken by the mayor of Pécs regarding local public transportation in order to ensure the safety of bus drivers. This includes the suspension of buying tickets from the driver, the separation of the driver from the passengers’ area and the restriction regarding using the front doors. Furthermore, the mayor ordained regular disinfection of buses, which has started on Wednesday, March 18th. In practice, this means that from Wednesday onwards, at the four bus hubs, between 6AM and 10PM all often used surfaces (handles, railings, stop buttons, doors, seats, etc.) are disinfected prior to service. This is complemented by the previously ordained regular complete disinfection of public transit vehicles.
The safety measures taken have made available passenger space on buses smaller, which, based on the remarks made by Honsa have made some buses servicing their site and another site overcrowded. Tüke Busz Zrt. has immediately responded by allocating an extra bus to the line 121 early mornings and early afternoons.

Dél-Kom Nonprofit Kft. – municipal cleanup of bulky household items suspended

Due to the extraordinary situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, Dél-Kom Nonprofit Kft. is forced to restrict or temporarily suspend certain elements of waste collection. In order to minimize the risk of service disruption and to ensure the safety of regulare waste collection, the municipal cleanup of bulky household items is suspended from March 23rd until further notice. Once the current situation is resolved, Dél-Kom Nomprofit Kft. will prepare and communicate a new plan for the collection of bulky household items.
Dél-Kom Nonprofit Kft. thanks citizens for their understanding.

Biokom NKft. – Centrum parking and waste collection

The current epidemic situation forces many people to stay home, which caused a surge in the usage of paid parking in the city center. Therefore, the parking facility with the largest capacity in the city center (Centrum parking) is now opened to everyone with valid parking passes issued by the company.
As more people are staying home in order to slow down the spread of the new coronavirus, more cars are parked near residential buildings. In the experience of Biokom Nkft., this often prevents waste collection, as parking cars obstruct traffic and proper functioning of garbage trucks, and limit the access to waste containers. Therefore, Biokom Nkft. urges the citizens of Pécs to park their cars properly, so that waste collection is not impeded during the epidemic situation.
Biokom Nkft. asks for the understanding of citizens, and thanks them for their cooperation!



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