11 C
csütörtök, március 6, 2025
KezdőlapHírzónaThese institutes offer free day-care in Pécs!

These institutes offer free day-care in Pécs!

In accordance with the decision of the mayor of Pécs, daycare and nursing facilities of the city will start to operate on a supervision basis from Tuesday, March 17th. The city of Pécs will provide for children in municipal, religious, university or private institutions whose parents are unable to account for their care otherwise.

The municipality of Pécs, after consulting with facility leaders has decided on organizing supervision of children based on the attendance data on Monday, March 16th. Among the daycare and nursing facilities, the following will be providing supervision until further notice:

Eastern City Daycare will provide supervision in two locations: Teleki Blanka street 2. and the branch daycare of Vasas. (www.keletiovi.hu, tel: +3672 239-532 and +3672 537-083)

In the southern part of the city, one branch of the Kertváros Daycare facility will provide supervision at the Testvérvárosok square location. (www.kertvarosiovi.hu, tel: +3672 438-371)

Western City Daycare will provide supervision in three locations: at Esztergár Lajos street, Mezőszél street and Radnóti Miklós street branch daycare facilities. (www.nyugatiovoda.hu, tel: +3672 252-434, +3672 534-460, illetve +3672 255-815)

City Center Daycare will provide supervision at one location, in the branch facility at Budai Nagy Antal street.
(www.varoskozpontiovoda.hu, +3672 315-455)

Apáczai Daycare will provide supervision in building III. (www.educentrum.hu/ovoda, +3672 550-643)

The Nursing Care Facilities will provide supervision for small children at four locations, including Apáczai square ([email protected], tel: +3672 550-628), Gosztonyi street ([email protected], tel: +3672 253-097), Siklósi street ([email protected], tel.: +3672 210-626) and Köztársaság square ([email protected], tel.: +3672 314-994)

In case the need for the facilities listed above is reduced, we will communicate any changes.



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